The (Not So) Little One Tag

I was tagged by Amy & Tots to do this fun quiz with Squiggle. Here are the questions, and her answers… What is the best thing about being 8? Lots of things! Having Pierre the seal!!! (Beanie boo cuddly toy). All of my Christmas presents! What makes you laugh? When daddy was still dancing after the music … Read more

My Liebster Award Nomination! 

The Liebster Award is a virtual award given to bloggers by other bloggers as a way of spreading the blogging love. Huge thanks to Naomi over at Me Becoming Mum for nominating me. I hadn’t heard of it before, but excited to be included, thank you! The official rules of the Liebster Award are here. Basically, Naomi has written … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 23: Favourite Time of Year and Why

When I first read this theme, my mind automatically jumped to seasons and I spent ages trying (unsuccessfully!) to pick my favourite. Then I re-read the title and realised it could be any time of year, for any reason, not specifically seasons. But then I figured my mind actually translated it into that for good … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 19: 10 Favourite Foods

Ok, my 10 favourite foods, meals and places to eat (in no particular order) are as follows: 1. Fruit and veg smoothies- not technically food but given I drink one daily for breakfast it made sense this would be at the top of my list! I generally throw in whatever fruit and veg we already … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 18: Zodiac Sign (and does it fit) 

I was born on 7th September, which makes me a Virgo. This is as far as I can get without doing any research, because it has been a long time since I read anything on this subject! So off to do a quick google search… Right, I am back! According to Wikipedia, this is me… … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 15: Timeline Of My Day

For most people this is probably a really straightforward one but our lifestyle is abit different due to Squiggle’s needs. We tend to have very loose routines, which can be easily adjusted as required, rather than a tight schedule. We enjoy the freedom and flexibility that home education allows, to do things at our own … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 14: Meaning Behind My Blog Name

I came up with my blog name because I felt it described our lifestyle and what my blog is about quite well. It really is exactly what we are doing on a daily basis; living life our way!  I will be interested to read the inspiration behind other people’s blog names too!