Mental Health: Why Supporting Mental Health Campaigns in 2020 is Essential

Covid-19 and lockdown has been extremely difficult for everyone and has dramatically affected the mental health of a vast number of people, for a multitude of reasons; for some it is due to the illness itself, many have suffered bereavement, we have all had loss of freedom and a sudden halt to much loved activities, … Read more

Mental Health Awareness Week: The Importance of Kindness

This week (18th May – 24th May 2020) is Mental Health Awareness Week. The theme this year, in light of Covid-19, is kindness. You might not know that the original theme was sleep; and I certainly have a thing or two to say about that. The Mental Health Foundation switched the theme in the hope … Read more

Let’s Talk BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder): Guest Post by Sarah – Life In A Break Down

I can’t work out looking back, when I changed from a normal mentally healthy child, to one who had a warped perspective of myself. Sometimes I wonder if I’ve always been this way. BPD or to give it is full name Borderline Personality Disorder, is somewhat stigmatized by mainstream media, as of course are many … Read more

Young Minds: #HelloYellow and I Did It… (10k) My Way!

10k Your Way Young Minds Virtual Race

Last month, I wrote about doing a 10k ‘virtual’ race for the charity Young Minds. I thought I should write a quick update post (it’s a little late, but anyway) to say that I completed it! I took it slow, due to my current fitness levels and a lack of sleep (thanks for that, Squiggle!) … Read more

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): How Light Therapy Can Help 

As the clocks go back for British daylight savings time, the darker evenings draw in are getting shorter and the hours of daylight less, many people begin to feel the affect on their mood. ‘Winter blues’ is more common than people might realise and full- on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can begin to hugely affect people’s lives … Read more

#TimeToTalk Mental Health 

As it is Time To Talk day, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to share some facts about mental health. Mental health can affect anyone of any age, at any time. In the UK alone, one in four adults experience at least one diagnosable mental health problem in any one year. (The Office for National Statistics … Read more