4 Ways To Get Better Sleep

4 Ways To Get Better Sleep

Sleep is important! Getting that vital amount of rest could mean the difference between having an awesome tomorrow, or a really bad next day. Aside from that, getting the correct amount of sleep is vital to one’s own health and well-being. Improper amounts of sleep can have devastating effects. Sometimes people have trouble sleeping through … Read more

How To Choose The Right Bed

How to choose the right bed #sleep #wellbeing

*This post is written in collaboration with Bed Guru. Every parent understands the importance of a good bed, as will every carer. When sleep isn’t guaranteed, or you’re unable to settle into a regular pattern, you need a place to grab what rest you can (no matter how short!) Finding a bed that’s comfortable and … Read more

The Dozy Owl – 30 Days Wild (Guest Post)

Today’s guest post is from Kieran, aged 24, from Glasgow. He really loves sleep! (Don’t we all?!) You can find him blogging over at The Dozy Owl. What is your favourite nature activity? Walking around the local park, it gets tough in a big city trying to keep in touch with nature so it’s important … Read more

Top Tips For A Good Night Sleep

Sleep is essential to our health and wellbeing. Yet it is something that many of us struggle with, for one reason or another. Whether it is getting to sleep, staying asleep or frequent disturbances throughout the night, lack of sleep and/ or poor quality sleep can play havoc with your mood, health and functioning. So … Read more

Needlite: Bringing Daylight Indoors 

Needlite are a small, Danish start-up who invented and designed a unique daylight desk lamp, which launched in the Nordic market just under two years ago. The idea is simple: provide the user with efficient work light and provide the much-needed daylight at the same time. https://youtu.be/z9Qt_e1UKLc The Needlite has a simple, modern design. It is … Read more

The Bedtime Tag

What are your worst sleep habits? Do you have a bedtime routine? I have been tagged by the fabulous Lynette at Reclusive Fox to share my bedtime secrets with you all! Here goes… Describe your usual bedtime routine. I don’t really have one personally. My daughter has created her herself one that includes me, but I don’t … Read more