The Benefits Of Music Therapy

The Benefits Of Music Therapy

For many years Squiggle took part in music classes. Whilst they were not music therapy sessions as such, there were many close comparisons, and the benefits were very clear. There is no doubt in my mind that music can be hugely beneficial to our wellbeing, for both children and adults alike. Music in Culture The … Read more

How To Embrace It When A Hidden Disability Suddenly Becomes Visible: Guest Post by Kim Hogg (OddHogg)

Back in February 2013 my life changed forever when I went to the GP with an array of symptoms and came out with a diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes. It wasn’t a huge surprise as I have grown up with a cousin who has diabetes too, but it doesn’t stop it being a huge shock … Read more

Autism Awareness Day: What You Need To Know

Today is World Autism Awareness Day. As a parent of an autistic child, this is of course very significant to me. Squiggle actually has a subtype of autism called Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) which is something I have written about before and more information can be found on the PDA Society website. There are significant … Read more

Zero Waste Eco-Friendly Postpartum and Menstruation Wear by Modibodi

Sensual high-waist heavy overnight absorbency pants

It has been a decade since Squiggle came into this world. However, I remember the early days after birth very well; even in the hazy midst of that exhausted but elated sleep deprived state, it is not something to forget! The practical new mum challenges that I wasn’t quite prepared for were things such as … Read more

Trint Transcription Software: Review

Trint is a clever piece of software that transcribes any video and audio files into text. It was founded by Jeff Kofman, a former war correspondent for CNN. Jeff had to manually transcribe thousands of interviews throughout his career, so he decided to develop Trint, to save people the hours of time and effort it … Read more

Draft Elective Home Education (EHE) Guidance: What’s The Problem?

You may or may not be aware that the Government is currently consulting on new draft EHE guidance. We, like many other home educators across the country, strongly oppose these new guidelines because we believe them to be unnecessarily restrictive and intrusive. Our ultimate objective is to secure the home ed status quo, support action … Read more

Forest Holidays: Our Winter Retreat to Forest of Dean

Back in January we decided to book a last second escape to the Forest of Dean for a winter retreat at Forest Holidays. This was our first time visiting but it came recommended from friends who have stayed at a different location on one of their other sites. Squiggle’s anxiety was high, so we figured … Read more

My Biggest Accomplishment

I guess like many people, some days I feel like I am absolutely nailing life, whilst others I feel like I have accomplished pretty much nothing. (Although I know that is never true in reality). But what do we even mean by accomplishments? It is so subjective, isn’t it? What one person considers an accomplishment, … Read more